Mayflyer Logo

The SWRC has been running the May Flyer sportive for 25 years and the next event is on Sunday 12th May 2024. The availability of free homemade refreshments is also very popular.




Please come to Cobham Village Hall early on Sunday morning so we can process your entry. 

Payment is £35 (Cash or Card)

Riders can also enter on the day. Cash or Payment Card are accepted (£35) for your entry and any donations you’d like to make to our charities for food at feed stations or massage at the finish

The SWRC support the Full Circle Fund Therapies which provides pioneering patient therapy programmes for young children and adults with life-limiting illnesses at St George's Hospital, London & Royal Alexander Children’s Hospital, Brighton, Worthing and Haywards Heath Hospitals. Any donations for the FCF taken when entering the event will be matched by the SWRC.

Some funds raised by the club also go to the The Queen Elizabeth's Foundation for Disabled People

The Routes

There is a choice of two routes. The shorter Flyer covers 90km and involves 1100m of climbing. It follows a meandering, quiet, course around the North Downs and Surrey Hills. The longer Flyer Challenge covers 162km (100 miles) and involves 1900m of climbing. This route takes riders along quiet country lanes, down to Amberley in West Sussex and back through lovely places such as Rudgwick and Peaslake in the Surrey Hills. Both routes are challenging and take in local climbs including Staple Lane, Pitch Hill and Combe Bottom. The routes are available below in electronic form . Riders are strongly advised to download these to a portable navigation device if they can. From time to time events are sabotaged by direction signs being removed. We would hate anyone's enjoyment of the day being ruined should this happen.

Short Route

Long Route


To get your time for the Mayflyer, click on the button below


The Facilities

The rides start and finish at Cobham Village Hall, Lushington Dr, Cobham KT11 2LU. We encourage cyclists, where practicable, to take public transport to the event or cycle.

The Hollyhedge car park in Downside Road has introduced a £7 charge for parking on Sundays since The May Flyer was publicised. Payment can be made by using the RingGo app. The car park at Cobham and Stoke D’Abernon railway station is listed at £3.50 for Sundays. Alternatively there is a free car park on the right approximately 2 miles up the OLD A3 from Cobham past the International School which is on the left. However it has a bar across the entrance at 2.1 metres high SO BIKES must be REMOVED from the roof of your car. If you live within 5 miles of Cobham we suggest you ride to the HQ, Cobham Village Hall

Riders can register from 0800 and will set off in groups of 20 cyclists from 0830 onwards. The latest time that riders can set off is 0930. Tea, coffee and biscuits will be available at registration.

MF direction sign

The routes will be marked by signs which have black arrows on a yellow background attached to telegraph poles, road signs etc. There will be additional warning signs at key points of the course. Club members will be acting as marshals at the course divide in Hydestile and at important road junctions. The role of the marshals is to give direction and to warn of potential hazards. They are not there to say whether or not it is safe to proceed. That is a decision which riders need to take for themselves.

There will be fully stocked feed stations at Lodsworth (long route only) and Ellens Green (long and short routes) and a selection of homemade sandwiches and cakes along with tea, coffee and soft drinks will be provided at the finish at Cobham Village Hall. Listen to the wonderful band and enjoy a relaxing massage at the finish

The event is electronically timed with riders being able to see their individual times as soon as they finish. A full list of finishing times is published on the timing company's website soon after the last rider has returned.

A mechanic will be present at the start and they will be driving the long route during the event. There will be a SAG wagon to pick up any riders who may have run into difficulty. A number will be issued to all riders for use in the event of a medical emergency or mechanical problem which they are unable to resolve themselves.

Rider Responsibilities

We are proud of the May Flyer's reputation as a friendly event run by cyclists for cyclists. We do everything we can to make it an enjoyable day for everyone, but this can be enhanced if riders follow a few simple rules and suggestions:

  • Every rider must wear a helmet No Helmet: No Ride.
  • Riders should ensure that their bike is well maintained and preferably serviced in the recent past.
  • Although there will be a mechanic at the event, we expect riders should at least be proficient at changing a punctured inner tube.
  • We advise riders at least to carry two spare tubes, tyre levers, a multi-tool and a pump (or CO2 cartridges).
  • Make sure you carry enough food and drink to ensue you can ride comfortably between feed stations.
  • Dress appropriately for the weather and, at this time of year, it is advisable to carry a foldable rain jacket.
  • Remember that sportives are not races and we expect riders to treat each other with consideration and respect.
  • Similarly we expect riders to show consideration for other road users, pedestrians and local residents. 



Club Runs

Club runs are advertised using the Spond app. Please contact Ride Leader to be added to relevant Ride Group

See Audax UK website for details of Audax Events